10 Latinx Sustainable Fashion Influencers You Should Follow

by Elle Magaña Mireles

Latinx Sustainable Fashion Influencers to Follow - CFC PST IMAGES.jpg

Sustainable fashion is a nuanced and complex topic that may not be the easiest to understand. It often involves making decisions on how best to shop and navigate the fashion industry. Social media has been a huge tool for consumers to learn and become part of a like-minded community. Sustainable fashion influencers have emerged to share their own take on the topic and to show their amazing outfits at the same time! 

What is Latinx Sustainable Fashion?

Latinx sustainable fashion means the integration of culture, traditions and geographic influences within the journey of conscious consumerism. Every Latinx individual embodies their identities differently so sustainable fashion will also look differently for each of them. The use of Latinx versus Hispanic is to celebrate all identities, whether it be for gender non-confrming, non-binary and gender-expansive individuals. It also provides more inclusivity in geography and helps center those that do not speak Spanish.

The term Latinx sustainable influencer refers to any individual who is Latinx and shares content related to sustainable fashion on social media platforms. This allows consumers to learn from different perspectives and backgrounds needed to obtain a holistic view on the topic. It also allows more room to build solidarity and elevate voices often rooted in cultural sustainable practices. Consider following the following Latinx sustainable fashion influencers! 


Jazmine from @thatcurlytop

Jazmine Rogers is a half-Black and half-Mexican influencer that uses her platform to talk about sustainability, race and its intersectionality. Her mission for the last six years has been to make these tough conversations accessible while trying to make it fun to learn about. She has done this by sharing her journey and connecting her audience with brands and other accounts. 


Sally from @callmeflowerchild

Sally is a Mexican-Salvadorian mindful and conscious closet advocate based in Tongva/Kizh & Chumash Ancestral Land, aka South Central L.A. She was born and raised in Los Angeles and loves all things plants, ethical and sustainable fashion, and changing what it means to be outdoors. She is a big fan of TikTok and strives to make her audience feel safe, loved and welcome. 


Chloe from @chloegoslowly

Chloe is a 25 year old in her 4th year of her PhD program with a primary focus in political science. She is currently a teaching assistant and enjoys talking to her BIPOC followers that are interested in grad school. Her mom is Puerto Rican and she grew up outside of Houston. Chloe enjoys wearing color in professional settings and posts her outfits because she wants to subvert norms of professionals that uphold whiteness and colonial mentalities.


Alex from @alexstagram3000

Alex is currently based in NYC and aims to inspire people to express themselves colorfully. She loves to meet new people and build community! She is currently running two businesses, Made by Alex and Shiny by Nature, which is a colorful and size-inclusive clothing brand.


Jackie from @jacquitabanana

Jackie is a Salvi-Angeleno based in Washington, DC who “grams” about sustainable fashion and climate and wealth justice. She sees fashion as a medium to talk about communities of color, specifically Latinas, who can break extractive and exploitative cycles of consumption. Jackie aims to redirect purchasing power to build generational and community wealth while still having a positive impact on the environment. She also hopes fashion can help people new to climate change dip their toes into the topic with the help of her content. Jackie also aims to keep her content fun but also radically about us and for us! 


Jeanette from @rocessence

Jeanette is a Salvadorena-Guatemalteca focused on slow and intentional fashion with conscious styling. She has loved fashion as long as she can remember and enjoyed dressing up as her favorite fashion icons when she was a kid. When Jeanette isn't sharing her slow fashion journey, you find her being an interior designer, making her own clothes, knitting, painting and spending time with friends and family. 


Miriam from @miriam.vegac

Miriam is a Mexican creator based in San Diego that features sustainable, vintage and designer items to showcase her style. She is a fashion design graduate who dresses up to express her love for fashion and shares her outfits to show that all types of bodies can enjoy fashion and are worthy of visibility. Miriam thinks it is important to choose sustainable, vintage, or secondhand items to limit the effects her wardrobe has on the environment. She also extends these practices to her furniture and homeware. But she admits that she is not a perfect sustainable consumer, but believes that small changes in our shopping habits can have a big impact on our world.


Valerie from @vallerinagirl

Valerie Salazar is an Indigenous Latinx sustainable content creator based in the Bay Area. She started sharing her slow fashion journey online after seeing that many ethical & sustainable brands manufactured their clothing in Peru where her family is from, but didn’t see many sustainable influencers who looked like her. Valerie promotes ethical fashion by combining her thrifted and vintage fashion with conscious clothing brands and outfit repeating. It’s important for her to share this content because she believes that being mindful of what we wear is just one way that we can lessen our impact on the planet and the people who live on it.


Lala from @lottathriftfinds

Lala was born and raised In Ecuador and shares her thrifted finds from Chicago. She was inspired to start sharing her outfits online after her friends told her they loved her outfits and couldn’t believe they were thrifted and wanted to see more of her looks. Thrifting is important for Lala because it has helped her find her sense of style and be confident in her own body while being kinder to the planet by consuming less new products.


Jen from @jenchav

Jen Chavez is a Latinx content creator who is based in sunny Los Angeles. She loves sharing outfits that feature small ethical brands and vintage finds. Jen is committed to learning and improving in her sustainable journey and finds it important to remember that before purchasing a new item, the most sustainable option is what she already owns. 


About the Author:

Elle Magaña Mireles is a Latine sustainable fashion advocate based in Chicago, IL.

She believes clothing can be a gateway to a more just and humane world. In her free time, she writes for her ethical fashion blog called Sustainable Amor, spends quality time in nature, and organizes her local community.




10 Latinx Sustainable Fashion Influencers to follow - Conscious Fashion Collective
10 Latinx Sustainable Fashion Influencers to follow - Conscious Fashion Collective